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Top Achievement Awards for Northern Regional College Students


The Honourable the Irish Society made their annual visitation to the Coleraine campus of the Northern Regional College at the start of the week to present special achievement awards to students in the vocational areas of Sports, Science and Exercise and Health and Social Care. The two recipients were Jessica Graham and Nicole Milliken.

Jessica Graham who has just completed the Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Sports, Exercise & Science with straight 3 Distinction grades, joined the Northern Regional College in 2013 as a Level 2 student.

Speaking at the event, Gregory McGovern, Lecturer in Sports Science and Exercise at Northern Regional College said, “

Jessica has always been interested in sport, taking part in various athletic competitions throughout the years.  As a member of Pegasus Athletics Club she is currently rated as one of the top 10 long jumpers in Ulster following success at the Ulster Athletic Championships. Throughout her time at the Northern Regional College, Jessica has shown excellent ambition, a fantastic work ethic and punctuality in both attendance and the quality of work she has produced.  She is a polite, determined and enthusiastic student who has developed as a mature young lady. It is a combination of these aptitudes which makes Jessica the most deserving of this accolade.  I am sure that Jessica will be a great addition to the Ulster University and with her attributes, will be successful within her future work.”

Nicole Milliken started the Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Health and Social in September 2014 having completed her GCSEs at Ballymoney High School.

Joanne Pethick, Assistant Head of Care and Access at Northern Regional College said, “Nicole has proved herself to be an exceptional student both academically and in her work placement.  She has just completed her diploma with an excellent Distinction profile.  This young lady is a real ‘all-rounder’. Whilst committed and enthusiastic in the classroom, she has also excelled in her work placements – an essential component of the course. She has worked in a range of health care settings which included children, the elderly and most recently adult day care.  Supervisors singled Nicole out as an excellent work placement student and indicated that she had all the qualities necessary to make a valuable contribution to the health and social care profession. They drew particular attention to Nicole’s innate ability to care, her common sense and the wisdom she displays which is way beyond her years.

The staff at the College have also witnessed Nicole’s caring attitude and empathy with others. She has frequently and generously given of her time to help and support her peers.

Nicole has always wanted to pursue a career in Nursing. She hopes to progress and fulfil this ambition in the Autumn. We are confident that wherever Nicole does move on to, she will embrace the challenge with her usual enthusiasm and determination and we wish her every success. Nicole is a shining example of everything that is good about young people today and she is a worthy recipient of this award.