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NRC Magherafelt Students “Transition” Exhibition


Art and Design students from the Northern Regional College have collaborated with Oyster Press, St. Pius and Magherafelt High Schools to produce an outstanding printmaking exhibition currently held in the Bridewell Magherafelt until the end of May and moving to the Waterfront Hall, Belfast in June.

It all started last November when Oyster Press delivered a Peace through the Arts Festival in Magherafelt which involved working with several Magherafelt schools and the Art and Design department of the Northern Regional College to produce a major piece of public art. After this project was completed NRC and some of the schools involved in making the public art work expressed a desire to continue to work together, this interested was extended to a new project the “Transition” project funded solely by Magherafelt Arts Trust.

This project acted to extend students knowledge of the art of printmaking wherein the students from the Northern Regional College, St. Pius and  Magherafelt High Schools worked in this medium to produce a professional exhibition based on the theme of Transition (the process or a period of changing, from one state or condition to another). Students work was produced through a series of printmaking workshops delivered by Oyster Press which covered different types of etching techniques culminating in the outstanding Transition Exhibition currently held in the Bridewell Magherafelt until the end of May and moving to the Waterfront Hall Belfast in June.

Darlene Hagan-Bezgin, Curriculum Manager for Art and Design commented, “This is an exhibition not to be missed with outstanding work on display which clearly showcases the talent and skills of our young people in the Magherafelt area. I would encourage everyone to view this work before it goes to the Water front Hall in Belfast, much thanks to Oyster Press for giving the students this opportunity and to the students and staff for all their endeavours“.

For further details on our Art & Design courses visit www.nrc.ac.uk.