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Travel & Tourism Students treat Harryville Primary School children to festive activities


Northern Regional College Level 3 Extended Diploma in Travel & Tourism students developed a festive programme of activities for children at Harryville Primary School as part of their specialist unit of study – ‘Working as a Children’s holiday Representative’. Many learners completing the Level 3 Travel and Tourism programme are interested in pursuing careers within the tour operations sector as holiday representatives and particularly Children’ s Representatives in a variety of holiday destinations overseas.

This unit develops the students’ knowledge and understanding of the factors to be considered when working with children particularly abroad.  It gives students a general understanding of the stages of development of children from birth to 16 years of age, as well as the ability to recognise the needs of different types of children in the holiday play settings and dealing with children’s differing needs.

The established partnership between Northern Regional College, Ballymena and Harryville Primary School supports the Travel and Tourism learners in developing programmes of activities for children including managing children, managing the play setting environment, communicating and evaluating and developing confidence and soft skills.

To achieve the learning outcomes of this unit the Travel and Tourism students developed four programmes of activities suitable for children and delivered the programmes in Harryville Primary School.

Harryville Primary Schools Primary 1’s were treated to a session making snowflakes and indoor fun with games. The composite  Primary 2 and Primary 3 class made Christmas tree decorations and baked Christmas biscuits. Arts and crafts session were enjoyed by all! Harryville’s Primary 4 and primary 5 class enjoyed “reindeer fun” and a Christmas quiz. Primary 6 and Primary 7 class made Christmas stockings played Christmas Bingo and had a sing-a-long. All the activities and sessions were a huge success with many giggles along the way!

The development of the programmes and assisting with the classes allowed the students to demonstrate their skills in this area, allowing them to manage groups of children, manage their skills in this area, allowing them to manage groups of children, manage their environment and communicate effectively.