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World Host Certificates Presented to NRC Travel & Tourism Students


Students at the Northern Regional College, Coleraine Campus, studying for their Level 3 Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism at have been presented with WorldHost Certificates.

The students were awarded their certificates by Cathal Cunning who is a Chief Marshall for NW200, while he was visiting the College and providing a talk on the benefits of volunteering for next year’s Vauxhall International NW200.

Wendy Gallagher NRC Lecturer said that “The WorlHost programme is an additional qualification which students can undertake while studying at NRC. It is a recognised world class service programme aimed at raising the standards of customer service. As part of Travel & Tourism course, we also encourage the students to build up their knowledge and employability skills, through working on live projects, such as the NW200. Cathal’s talk provided a great insight into the event and it has inspired the students to volunteer.”

For further information on Level 3 and Level 4 Higher National Certificate Travel and Tourism courses at the College please log onto www.nrc.ac.uk or telephone the Coleraine Campus on 028 7035 4717.