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New Chair Appointed of NRC Governing Body

28th November 2014

Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry today announced the appointment of Ms Carmel McKinney OBE as Chair of the Governing Body of Northern Regional College (NRC). Referring to the appointment, Minister Farry said: “Further education colleges are central to helping to deliver the growth of Northern Ireland’s economy. With its origins and traditions firmly rooted within the local communities it serves, Northern Regional College is ideally positioned to understand and respond to the needs of the economy, employers and learners in their catchment area.

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This week saw Employment & Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry congratulate the Northern Regional College and its network of businesses for its work to date on the InnovateUs Employer Support Programme (ESP). In 2012 Dr Stephen Farry launched the £6.9 million Employer Support Programme for further education colleges. This allowed the Sector to continue to provide a wide range of support for local employers as key drivers of local and regional economic and workforce development. To date NRC has delivered 193 projects with 158 companies since the Programme was first launched.

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Industry experts and past students of NRC took time out of their busy schedules this week to give back and share their experience with existing building and technology students at the Coleraine campus. As part of their semester one assessment, students on the Foundation Degree in Building Technology and Management are required to design a dwelling with a difference for a site close to the Coleraine campus.

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NRC Anti-Bullying Awareness Sessions

19th November 2014

As part of Anti-Bullying Week students from across the College attended anti-bullying talks delivered by the Student Support Manager, Equality Officer and PSNI to help raise awareness of anti-bullying. Pictured at Anti-Bullying Awareness Session in NRC Coleraine campus are Lesley-Anne Beacom (Student Enrichment Officer) and Estella Dorrian (Equality Officer)

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Congratulations to two Ballymena apprentices Robert Hamilton and Ryan Connor who won GOLD at The Skills Show in Birmingham (13-15 November) last week. Robert the youngest competitor in the Carpentry & Joinery Skill Area is a past student of Dunclug College. He then progressed to NRC to take up his apprenticeship full-time.

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Congratulations to two Ballymena apprentices Robert Hamilton and Ryan Connor who won GOLD at The Skills Show in Birmingham (13-15 November) last week. Ryan Connor and NRC/ETT apprentice who was the gold medal winner in Electrical Installation at the Skillbuild competition earlier this year has also scooped the top award in this category in Birmingham. Ryan is employed by Knox Electrical Ltd. Electrical Installation Tutor, Alistair McDonald said, “We are delighted with Ryan’s success. He is a very hard working dedicated apprentice and is a great ambassador for NRC and the industry.”

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