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TV and Film students from Northern Regional College have been shortlisted for the Northern Ireland Royal Television Society Student Television Awards. The winners of the RTS NI Student Television Awards will be automatically put forward to the national RTS Student Media Awards which will be held in London later this year. At these awards, they will compete against follow media students at a national UK level.

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No Smoking Day: Wed 8 March 2017

6th March 2017

As part of its health and wellbeing activities, Northern Regional College is teaming up with health professionals in smoking cessation across all campus on 8 March 2017, National No Smoking Day. Students and staff are being encouraged to participate in activities including Carbon Monoxide monitoring and demonstrations, as well as accessing information about local quit smoking services. The College has designed its own creative campaign to promote this national event.

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Congratulations to Northern Regional College apprentice Connor Hyland, who won Northern Ireland’s first regional heat for the SPARKS UK Electrical Apprentice of the Year 2017. He will now compete in the grand final later this week at the 3M Customer Innovation Centre in Bracknell. Launched in 2010, the SPARKS UK Electrical Apprentice of the Year competitions gives students the chance to be recognised for their hard work and skills. It’s a great opportunity for lecturers, employers, industry leaders and manufacturers to get involved and support the next generation of electricians.

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As part of the NI Science Festival, Northern Regional College held another successful STEMFest event at the Coleraine Campus. Over 100 Year 10 and Year 11 students from Coleraine Grammar School, Cross and Passion College, Dalriada Grammar and St Paul’s College, Kilrea were provided an insight into industrial applications in the areas of science, construction, engineering, IT and sport science, through participating in five interactive workshops.

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Public Information Evenings

20th February 2017

Public Information Evenings about our campus redevelopment plans will be held as follows:

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Science Festival comes to Coleraine Campus

2nd February 2017

The Northern Ireland Science Festival – the annual showcase for the wonders of science, technology, engineering and mathematics – is bringing a brand new, free roadshow to the College’s Coleraine Campus on Sunday 19 February 2017.

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