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Foundation Degree in Computing students from Northern Regional College gathered at Newtownabbey’s campus to participate in a seminar lead by Relay Software, Ireland’s leading insurance software provider. At Northern Regional College we recognise the importance of such seminars in linking with local industry to support curriculum development and build students skills and expertise in the field of Computing and Software Design.

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Northern Regional College Level 3 Production Arts and Performing Arts students at the Ballmoney Campus in association with Northern Lights Production Company present the award winning musical ‘Our House’ at the Riverside Theatre in June (1st – 4th). Following on from the success of ‘Into the Woods’ last year, students are now taking on this international musical.

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Performing Arts students from the Northern Regional College are making final preparations to their performance, to showcase their skills and talent at the End of Year show at, Theatre at the Mill, Mossley Mill on Tuesday 7 June. The performance will being at 7.45 sharp. The End of Year Show is a perfect opportunity for both groups of Performing Art students – Level 2 and Level 3 - to come together and showcase their drama, dancing and music abilities which they have developed and enhanced throughout their time on the course in front of their most challenging audience to date – parents/guardians and friends.

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Hospitality and Catering staff and students at the Northern Regional College, Ballymoney campus welcomed top Executive Head Chefs, Paul McKnight from Culloden Estate and Spa, Belfast and Adrian McDaid, from Europa Hastings Hotel, Belfast. Both Paul and Adrian have been through the same vocational journey as our students; both studied Catering at their local College, prior to working through the ranks and taking up their current positions as Executive Head Chefs at two prestigious hotels in Belfast.

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Irvine Abraham, Business Development Manager and Ruth Barr, Engineering Lecturer travelled to Bolzano, Italy to participate a two day transnational workshop. This workshop is part of the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership ‘CompAssess’ which seeks to identify, test and validate new ways to assess transversal competencies in a vocational context. Erasmus+ is the European Union’s (EU) programme for education, training, youth and sport, with the EU committing £12 billion to the programme between 2014 and 2020. In the UK, the programme is managed by the Erasmus+ UK National Agency, a partnership between the British Council and Ecorys UK.

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GAA Academy Students Power Up

16th May 2016

The GAA Academy Students at Northern Regional College Magherafelt have gained some extra energy as they display their new kit sponsored by one of Northern Ireland’s top companies, Go Power. This unique academy enables students between the ages of 16-19 to gain invaluable education in areas such as sports therapy, physiology and sports psychology, in addition to developing practical and coaching skills by working alongside the Derry GAA Coaching and Games Development team. This key practical aspect should also be of interest to local clubs. Players have the opportunity to gain dedicated coaching experience and training in squad support services alongside the development of their practical playing skills.

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