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Northern Regional College in partnership with the Department for Employment and Learning have recently delivered a Business Improvement Techniques course to Belfast International Airport staff. These staff were made up from a range of disciplines with the airport which included, Operations, Airport Police and Rescue and Fire Fighting departments

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New Welding Academy launched

3rd September 2015

Minister Farry launched a new Welding Academy under the Department’s Assured Skills initiative on 1st September. The Academy will provide 10 individuals with the skills and experience required to take up new opportunities in the engineering sector with SDC Trailers (SDC), Magherafelt and MDF Engineering (MDF), Antrim.

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Andrew McCormick, DETI (Permanent Secretary), Chris Stewart, DETI (Deputy Secretary), Diarmuid McLean, DETI (Head of Economic Policy) and Dr Bryan Keating (Matrix Chair and Chair of Minister Farry’s interim Strategic Advisory Forum on Apprenticeships.) on a recent visit to Northern Regional College to see the College’s Advanced Engineering Centre.

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Three Northern Regional College students have spent two weeks at a prestigious Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) institute in America this summer. Michael Spiers from Ballymena, Daneil McKillop from Ballymoney and Jack Smith also from Ballymoney have taken part part in the ‘FRONTIERS’ programme at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Participation on the programme has been facilitated by the Department for Employment and Learning.

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A report on a Big Lottery funded project, Living & Learning Together led by the Northern Regional College says it has had a major impact on the local communities in Antrim and Magherafelt areas with over 28,000 people taking part in a range of courses ranging from activities for young people, isolated seniors, support for parents with special needs children, English classes for the Migrant community and training for volunteers.

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Career Academy students from Northern Regional College have received their graduation certificates from Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry at a ceremony in Parliament Buildings. Career Academies UK is a national charity that helps raise young people’s aspirations and bridge the gap between education and the world of work by giving them access to real experience through mentoring, an internship, masterclasses and workplace visits. There are 11 Career Academies operating across all six further education colleges with a total of 177 students and over 60 students received their certificates at the graduation ceremony.

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