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In just a matter of weeks, Thomas McLaughlin is a name that will be heard amongst some of the top wedding gown designers in the world. Thomas’s name will be up in lights when his original design and final major project piece “Daisy Couture” appears on the catwalk at the upcoming Wedding Journal Shows in Belfast, and today in Dublin, as part of the show’s Young Designer competition.

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NRC Student Branches out

18th September 2014

Ex Tree Surgeon, NRC Childcare student, Dave Berrisford, has proven that it is never too late to change your career. Dave, who is in his late forties, worked as a qualified tree surgeon in South East England for 25 years, when family circumstances changed and he moved to N Ireland he became a house husband and carer of his children to allow his wife to return to work.

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Local Lad Engineers Success

18th September 2014

Local lad Dean Boyle has gone from strength to strength since joining NRC’s Career Academy Engineering Programme graduating in June 2014. Career Academies UK helps raise young people’s aspirations and bridge the gap between education and work by giving them access to real experience of the world of work.

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Management training courses are the perfect way to build confidence, learn new skills and make yourself more employable. This year’s top students decided to take control of their careers and enrol on a leadership and management course at the Northern Regional College (NRC).

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Northern Regional College has been shortlisted as a finalist for the Family Friendly Employer Awards 2014. Due to their innovative approach to family friendly employment initiatives, Northern Regional College will now battle it out with 11 other finalists at an Award Ceremony on 24 September in Belfast City Hall.

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The Living & Learning Together project in partnership with Antrim Borough Council, Citizens Advice Bureau, Age NI, Crumlin Seniors Group, Cignet and the Carers Trust are organising a Carers/ Seniors Information event to be held in St John's Church of Ireland Hall, 5 Lurgan Road, Crumlin, Wednesday 17 September, 11.00 am to 3.00 pm.

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