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Three local employers have participated in the first Level 3 WorldHost programme with the Northern Regional College, this included staff from Morelli’s Ice Cream, Glenariff Tea House and Bon Appetit.

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In association with University of Ulster and Kansas State University (KSU), NRC is exploring possible expansion of its counselling provision, to include family mediation.

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Fourteen NRC Engineering Career Academy students visited London last week where they viewed the Crossrail Project. This is a major engineering project which is underway to link East and West London undergrounds. During the visit the students had the opportunity to meet with senior staff and young graduates to discuss the project and the options available for their future.

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Entrepreneurship Masterclass for NRC Students

28th November 2013

NRC students have participated in a Global Entrepreneurship Masterclass at Newtownabbey Borough Council, which was organised by Young Enterprise. The students who are studying of their Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production, Interactive Media course were provide with the opportunity along with four other local schools to participate in the Young Business Dragons Den competition.

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NRC Childcare Students Gain Insight into ADHD

20th November 2013

Ballymoney students on the Level3 National Diploma in Children’s Care Learning & Development course at the Northern Regional College have been given an insight into ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

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Students studying for their Foundation Diploma in Art & Design at the Northern Regional College, with an interest in Architecture were offered some excellent advice from a past graduate of Edinburgh College of Art, Jessica Lammey.

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