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In April a member of the NRC Engineering team, Mark Maginty, travelled to China as part of the World Skills Road Show.

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Neil Craig, a current Northern Regional College HND Electrical & Electronic Engineering student, is enjoying success Stateside on the SUSA Programme, achieving the highest grades possible.

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NRC has signed a memorandum of understanding with both Kansas State University and Johnson County Community College to develop international staff and student links between the institutions.

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Higher National Diploma Engineering Students Dale Love and Andrew Sloan had the opportunity to travel to Morehead University in Kentucky USA for a benchmarking visit.

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With computers and information technology touching nearly every aspect of modern life, IT courses at NRC have seen a steady increase in demand, for students seeking a place, on all of its courses. The College offers an

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Motor Vehicle and Engineering students in the Northern Regional College, Newtownabbey Campus were given specialist road safety awareness training with Michelin, to test the effects of driving with under-inflated tyres.

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